1. Identification
1.1 Manufacturer
EOS Saunatechnik GmbH
Schneiderstriesch 1
D-35759 Driedorf, Germany
Tel.: +49 2775 82-0
Fax: +49 2775 82-431
1.2 Copyright
The copyright owner of the present installation manual and operating guide is EOS Saunatechnik
1.3 Identification of the product
Steam generator SteamTec II, Version „Basic“
1.4 Intended use
The Steamtec II Basic steam generator is intended for production of steam in steam rooms or sau-
na rooms with humid operation. The Steamtec II Basic requires an external control unit which is
not included in the scope of delivery. Third party control units may not be used without prior
written consent of EOS Saunatechnik GmbH.