Pulse oximeter MySign
All functions of the unit and the necessary initial configuration are described in this section.
6.1 Switching the unit on / off
Once the unit has been switched on, it will automatically test all of its internal functions and components. While
performing these tests, the symbol “Follow the operating manual” appears on the display for about 3 seconds.
A signal tone is also emitted during the function test, and all LEDs (alarm and audio alarm paused)
are activated. If you do not hear or see these indications, repeat the switching-on process. If the
problem persists, please contact customer service.
The sensor is also checked during the function test, so ensure it is connected. However, it is not
checked for accuracy.
Switching on the unit
Hold down the key for around 1 second.
The unit will be ready to take measurements after approx. 5 seconds.
Example: Information displayed while the unit is being switched on:
The device personalization is shown if this has been entered using
the MySign
PC software.
If the measurement data have been personalized using the
computer's software, the screen will display a prompt asking whether
this data is to be copied over after the unit has been switched on.
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