Imbalanced airflows
5.1.c - Supply/extraction airflow out of balance adjustment
This setting can be useful in some cases:
. Case of a chimney:
It is necessary to add a supplementary air supply equal to the extract airflow due to the natural
draught of the chimney.
There are two possibilities:
a. Create an air inlet specific to the chimney.
b. add an additional supply airflow to the calculated energiSava 210 airflow to
facilitate the natural draught of the chimney.
Follow the recommendations below:
• Ensure that all doors and windows are closed.
• Light a fire in the chimney,
• Adjust the imbalanced airflow with the potentiometer until there is a good draught of
the chimney.
Extraction airflow
The adjustment is made on the supply airflow compared with extraction
Imbalance between supply and extract airflow:
This situation can occur when one of the two circuits is very unbalanced compared to the other.
In this case, adjust the airflow imbalance with the potentiometer.
• Minimum calculated airflow= 90m3/h
• Supply airflow necessary= 99 m3/h
→ Potentiometer position 5 = +10%
Potentiometer setting
% QSupply/QExtraction