Press SETbutton for 3 sec. (trA Fo menu is displayed.)
“SEt Poı nt” menu.
Press SET button (”SP -01” menu is displayed)
By using UP/DOWN buttons select one of the setpoint settings
“SP -01 .. SP -16” (In example SP -01 is chosen)
Press SET button (”SP -01 ACt” is displayed)
Press SET button (”SP -01 ACt oFF” is displayed). By using UP/
DOWN buttons, select “SP -01 ACt on” and press SET button (SP
-01 ACt is displayed).
Note: If you select “SP -01 ACt oFF”, parameter settings can not be
done for “SP -01”.
By using UP/DOWN buttons select protection parameter from
“SP -01 Par” menu. (for example “SP -01 PAr 3-P L-n” setting is
Press SET button (”SP 0-1 PAr” is displayed).
button (”SP -01 oPE rAn gE” in displayed). By using UP/DOWN
buttons select ”SP -01 oPE rAn gE/hıg hEr/LoU Er” protection form
(for example ”SP -01 oPE rAn gE” is selected).
Press SET button, ”SP -01 oPE” is displayed.
By using UP/DOWN buttons from the menus of “SP -01 Hı/Lo/hYS
/ond/oFd/oUt/Lat Ch” select the menu.
Press SET button, ”SP -01 hı 0 00.0 / Lo 0 00.0 / hYS 0 00.0 /
ond 0 00.0 / oFd 0 00.0 / oUt 1 / LAt oFF” is displayed.
By using UP/DOWN buttons select related parameter values
Press SET button “SP -01 Hı/Lo/hYS/ond/oFd/oUt/Lat Ch”
is displayed. (Option is entered but is not activated yet. For activat-
ing please follow the below steps)
Press ESC button one by one, until “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed.
Press SET button when “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed. If you press
ESC button or choose “no” option instead of “yES” option by using
UP/DOWN buttons, new data will be cancelled and previous value
will be activated.
Serial Communication
The device has optical isolated MODBUS RTU communication protocal. All the
measured parameters can be transferred to the computer. Transformer ratio and
communication parameters can be set. Saved demand and energy values can be
Parameter Settings
Address Parameter : Between 001-247.
Baud Rate parameter : Can be chosen 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 bps.
Parity parameter : Can be chosen “no”, “odd” and “EUEn”.
Press SET button for 3 sec. (trA Fo menu is displayed.)
Press SET button (rS- 485 Adr ES menu is displayed)
By using UP/DOWN buttons from the menus of “rS- 485 Adr ES/
bAU d/PAr ıty” select the menu.
Press SET button (001 / 9600 /no is displayed)
By using UP/DOWN buttons select related parameter values
(001...247 / 2400...38400 /no, EUEn, odd).
Press SET button, “rS- 485 Adr ES/bAU d/PAr ıty” is displayed. (Option
is entered but is not activated yet. For activating please follow the below steps)
Press ESC button one by one, until “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed.
Press SET button when “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed. If you press
ESC button or choose “no” option instead of “yES” option by using
UP/DOWN buttons, new option will be cancelled, previous option will
be activated.
Standart MODBUS RTU message is shown below.
The T times corresponds to a time in which data must not be exchanged on the
communication bus to allow the connected devices to recognize the end of one mes-
sage and the beginning of another. This time must be at least 3.5 characters at the
selected baud rate. Adress range (1-247) is address of the connected device. The
CRC is a error check method by using MODBUS RTU protocol and consists of 2
Available Modbus Function
Read Hold (03) function is used for reading the measured parameter and setting
values. Device will sent error message if the device tries to read addresses which
are not in the register table.
For example to read phase 1 voltage below message can be sent;
01 03 00 00 00 02 XX XX
01 Device address
03 Function
00 MSB address
00 LSB address
00 Register number MSB
02 Register number LSB
Preset Single Register (06) function is used for writting energy values, erasing ener-
gy counter or reseting the min., max. demand values. Current transformer ratio can
be set between 1-2000, voltage transformer ratio can be set between 1-400000.
For example setting CT ratio as 100;
01 06 80 02 00 64 XX XX
01 Device address
06 Function
80 MSB address
02 LSB address
00 Data MSB
64 Data LSB
Preset Multiple register (10H) function is used for changing more than one register
For example setting ratio as 100 and voltage transformer ratio as 20.0.;
01 10 80 00 00 02 04 00 C8 00 64 XX XX girilebilir.
01 Device Address
10 Function
80 MSB address
00 LSB address
00 Register number MSB
02 Register number LSB
04 Byte count
00 Data MSB
C8 Data LSB
00 Data MSB
64 Data LSB
Digital Input
Din (Din=Dijital giriş)16 bit olarak aşağıda gösterildiği gibi gönderilir.
In1 (input 1) if 12-48 V AC / DC is applied to in 1, 0 bit of DIN register is set as “1”. In
otherwise 0 bit of DIN register is set as “0”.
(input 2) if 12-48 V AC / DC is applied to in 2, 1 bit of DIN register is set as “1”. In
otherwise 0 bit of DIN register is set as “0”.
Parameters are sent in 32 bit Hexadecimal form. For example 230,0 V voltage
is sent as 000008FCH. Cosj is divided by 1000. 0.980 Cosj value is sent as
000003D4H. Energy values are sent as 64bit.
12345678901234567890 Wh = AB 54 A9 8C EB 1F 0A D2 Wh
Data Cable :
- 24 AWG or thicker
- Less than 100 ohm-km impedance
- Nominal characteristic impedance in 100 kHz is 100 ohm.
- Between 2 wires mutual capacitance is less than 60 pF/m
- Between one wire and all the wires which are grounded mutual capacitance is less
than 120 pF/m.
- Double wire.
Slave device (MPR-53CS) sends error message when receive any missing query.
Error codes are given below:
01 Invalid Function:
If any message except given above is used, then 01 error
messages will be sent.
02 Invalid Register:
Error 02 will be send when a reading of a register is requested,
except the registers which mentioned in table.
03 Invalid data:
and nonzero for demand value, then error message 03 will be sent.