The practice of using a warm water circulator during and after surgery has many benefits.
Studies have shown that keeping patients warm during and after medical procedures offers
significant and positive medical outcomes.
There are many reasons why veterinary patients are at risk for hypothermia during and after
surgery. The list is long, here are a few;
- Loss of physiological peripheral vasomotor tone. Heat normally conserved within the body
core is redistributed to the periphery and subsequently lost to the environment through
conduction, convection and radiation.
- Premedication, induction drugs and inhalational agents used for maintenance of anesthesia
depress thermoregulatory mechanisms and thereby facilitate heat loss.
- The depressed metabolic rate under anesthesia reduces endogenous heat production and
delivery of cold dry gases increases the propensity towards hypothermia.
- Surgery also exacerbates heat loss through the application of skin disinfection agents such
as 70% ethanol losing heat through evaporation.
- Contact with cold table surfaces increases heat loss via conduction, while opening body
cavities increases heat loss through radiation and evaporation.
The core body temperature of non-warmed cats has been shown to drop by 2°C during routine
dental procedures
Circulating water through a leak-proof pad, also known as conductive temperature therapy,
safely and effectively helps prevent hypothermia by minimizing heat loss and treats a variety of
localized conditions including muscle and joint pain, arthritis, and edema.
The Engler Water Heater solves the hypothermia issue by providing a proven circulator that
uses digital accuracy to deliver warm water from 82.5 F to 118.5 F (28C to 48C) to keep the
patient warm and comfortable. Warm water conductive temperature therapy will prevent body
heat loss and hypothermia during veterinary surgery and recovery.
The Engler Warm Water Circulator is easy to set up and operate, just connect the Engler
Circulator pad, fill the reservoir with distilled water. Set the temperature on the digital touchpad
and know that your patients will be warm and comfortable during and after surgery.
Thank you for your purchase of the Engler Warm Water Circulator!
Studies have shown that a heating pad temperature as low as 105F can cause 3
burns if left in direct contact with the pad for as little as 2 hours.
118F can cause 3
degree burns in as little as 20 minutes!
Always use a thick towel or our DYNAX fleece pad to protect the patient.