Keep the circulator clean. Wipe down with a clean damp cloth.
Do not use strong chemicals to clean the circulator. Chemicals and harsh solutions may
damage the finish on the circulator unit / keypad thus voiding the warranty.
Should the circulator accumulate dust or dirt around the fan intake, remove the fan cover to
wash, then dry. Replace the fan cover when dry.
Every Engler Warm Water Circulator comes equipped with a special plastic “key” for allowing
water to be drained from the circulator unit and / or circulator pad.
It will be necessary to replace the water in the circulator from time to time. If dirt or deposits get
into the circulator or if the inside of the sight glass becomes dirty. Use the key to drain the
circulator unit. Replace the old water with fresh water and let it circulate (with the pad) for a few
minutes. Then drain both using the key. Fill with fresh distilled water. The circulator is ready for
The circulator reservoir and pad should always be drained before storage.