Rev: 4, 2010-02-01
Page 25
Red light
The indicator will quickly blink red in case of system faults
and slowly blink red together with short sounds if the remote
is unable to communicate with the electronic unit.
If the thruster is overloaded and requires time to cool down,
this will also be indicated by quick blink red.
These error indications are shown when buttons on the
wireless remote are pushed.
Similar light signals will be shown on the LED. (Picture left.)
The thruster works in only one direction
Check connection on terminals 1, 2 and 3 (16 pin connector)
on the control unit. Remove the rubber cover closest to the
connector and test both directions by pushing the small
yellow switches.
If the thruster now works normal, check the cable
connections between the control unit and the joystick.
If the thruster still does not work, study point 8.5.
The thruster runs in contradicting direction
If the operating direction when using the remote transmitter is wrong,
follow the procedure below.
Turn off the main switch.
Remove the rubber cover on the Control Unit.
Change position on DIL switch 8 on S100.
Turn on the main switch and verify in a safe and controlled
manner correct operation from all operation panels and the
wireless remote.
If the operating direction when using the fixed panels is
wrong exchange wires 1 and 3 on the green 16 pin
The thruster runs for short intervals or clicking sound is to be heard from
the thruster
Check the voltage on b, and battery
– on the control unit when trying to run the thrusters.
The voltage must be minimum 10.5 V (12 V system) and 21 V (24 V system).