Prothermo NMT 538
Hauser Systems & Gauging
Figure3: Dimension & appearance of UK Special version (connection to 1700 series average
RTD probe only)
UK Special is only designed to connect with Whessoe Varec 1700 series average temperature
probe. WB data accessibility is no longer available at the NMT 538 prothermo.
Mounting of UK Special version M20 connection to Varec 1700 terminal box
Use seal tape on the threaded gauge to terminal box connection. Slip in a bunch of cable (RTD
signal inlet cable) into the terminal box female thread connection. Turn the entire NMT 538 gauge
head clockwise and screw in the connection at least 10 complete turns, then secure with lock nut
against terminal box.
Mechanical connection
Prior to the removal of existing RTD temp. converter, note following information, also these
information are applicable for new installations as well.
1. Element type (material & structure)
2. Total element number
3. Presence of bottom & vapor spot elements
4. Lowest element position
5. Elements intervals
6. Cable color for each element
Prior to perform NMT538 installation, temporarily tie up all RTD cables (and coaxial cable if the
probe is equipped with Water Bottom sensor) with zip tight or short string to avoid damaging
cables during mechanical connection.
Terminal Box of
1700 series RTD probe
Lock nut
3 Installation