Liquiphant M/S with electronic insert FEL58 + Nivotester FTL325N
General, test sequence C
Check the switch point under reference operating conditions.
The test sequence can only be performed if the following conditions are met:
Uncoated fork (FTL50, FTL51, FTL50H or FTL51H)
Fork material: 316L (order code 020 "Process connection" must end in a 2)
Surface Ra < 3.2 µm (126 µin) or Ra < 1.5 µm (59 µin) (order code 030 "Probe length; type" must
end in an "A" for FTL50,and FTL51, and in a "C" for FTL50H and FTL51H)
As proof of functionality is provided indirectly, it cannot be ruled out that a Liquiphant that
received a "Good" result in test sequence A "Approach the level or remove" is incorrectly assessed
as having "Failed" test sequence C.
1. Remove the device and store it at room tempe24 °C±5 °C (+75 °F±41 °F).
2. Store distilled water at the same temperature.
3. Choose a time when the device and liquid have adapted to the room air
• Add a drop of dishwashing detergent, for example, to the distilled or deionized water to
reduce the surface of the water curving at walls.
• The vessel for the test must be of the following dimensions at least: ø50 mm (1.97 in), height
80 mm (3.15 in).
• The Liquiphant fork must be clearly visible in the area around the switch point (e.g. use a
see-through vessel).
• If using a longer or heavier Liquiphant, fix the sensor in a vertical position and move the
• Fit a scale clearly indicating the three switch points on the device or vessel (see the following
• The immersion depth is measured from the lower edge of the fork.
• Version I: connect the Liquiphant to a suitable power source.
• Version II to VI: connect the Liquiphant to the Nivotester. For versions V and VI, steps 1 to 3
must be performed separately and consecutively for every Liquiphant, channel and pair of
Immersion depth
Density setting 0.5
Density setting 0.7
1 Immerse "free"
7 to 8 mm (0.28 to 0.31 in)
10 to 11 mm (0.39 to 0.43 in)
2 Immerse "covered"
10.5 to 11.5 mm (0.41 to 0.45 in)
13.5 to 14.5 mm (0.53 to 0.57 in)
3 Retract "free"
6 to 7 mm (0.24 to 0.28 in)
8 to 9 mm (0.31 to 0.35 in)
Version I, test sequence C, MAX detection
Step 1
1. Slowly immerse the tuning fork vertically into the water.
The water surface is within the limits for "Immerse free".
2. Check the current at terminal 2.
The current must be between 2.2 to 3.5 mA.
If the current is outside the specified tolerance, a fault has occurred in the safety path. The
proof test has not been passed and must be aborted.
Step 2
1. Slowly further immerse the tuning fork vertically into the water.
The water surface is within the limits for "Immerse covered".