Field Xpert
7 Troubleshooting
Connection problems
All types of connection (Bluetooth modem, FXA520 and SFC162) should function without any
faults or interruptions. If you notice any communication failures (values in the DD are colored red),
please check your connections as shown below.
VIATOR Bluetooth modem does
not connect
Communication error
• Modem or Field Xpert Bluetooth communication not switched on
• Batteries flat (<10%), see Chapter 4.2.4 - exchange batteries
• Communication stalled: Switch off Field Xpert and the modem, wait 10
seconds, switch on the modem, wait 10 seconds, switch on Field Xpert
Communication settings incorrect
• Check that the VIATOR modem has been selected, see Chapter 6.1
• Check that the modem has been correctly configured, see Chapter 5.2.2
• Check that the modem has been selected as deefualt modem, see Chapter 6.9.7
FFblue Bluetooth modem does
not connect
Communication error
• Modem or Field Xpert Bluetooth communication not switched on
– Modem sleeps if there is no traffic over a specific period (5 min)
– To awaken, disconnect from fieldbus, then reconnect to fieldbus
• Batteries flat (<10%), see Chapter 4.4.3 - exchange batteries
• Communication stalled: Switch off Field Xpert and disconnect the modem, wait
10 seconds, reconnect the modem, wait 10 seconds, switch on Field Xpert
Communication settings incorrect
• Check that the FFblue modem has been selected, see Chapter 6.2
• Check that the modem has been correctly configured, see Chapter 5.2.3
• Check that the modem has been selected as deefualt modem, see Chapter 6.9.7
Fieldgate FXA520 does not
Communication error
• Fieldgate FXA520 or Field Xpert WiFi communication not switched on
• Communication stalled: Switch off Field Xpert and the FXA520, wait 10
seconds, switch on the FXA520, wait 10 seconds, switch on Field Xpert
Field Xpert communication settings incorrect
• Check that Fieldgate FXA520 has been selected
• Check that Fieldgate FXA520 has been correctly configured, see Chapter 5.3.2
Fieldgate FXA520 communication settings incorrect
• Check that the Ethernet network addresses have been correctly set up
For more information see the operating instructions of Fieldgate FXA520
SFC162 gateway does not
Communication error
• SFC162 gateway or Field Xpert WiFi communication not switched on
• Communication stalled: Switch off Field Xpert and the SFC162, wait 10
seconds, switch on the SFC162, wait 10 seconds, switch on Field Xpert
Field Xpert communication settings incorrect
• Check that SFC162 gateway has been selected
• Check that SFC162 gateway has been correctly configured, see Chapter 5.3.3
SFC162 gateway communication settings incorrect
• Check that the SFC162 is operating as visitor
• Check that the Ethernet network addresses have been correctly set up
For more information see the operating instructions of SFC162 gateway
USB connection of Field Xpert to
a PC does not work
ActiveSync connection lost
• Disconnect and reconnect USB port
• Restart PC
WiFi connection operating in parallel
• Set up ActiveSync to accept a parallel wireless connection
• If necessary consult your IT specialist