Field Xpert
5 Commissioning Field Xpert
Update your personal licence details
Field Xpert is delivered with a licence filled with factory default values for name and e-mail. We
suggest that you fill in your company or name and contact e-mail address.
1 From Device Xpert HART or Device Xpert FF select
Help=>Maintain Licence
2 Tap on the keyboard at the bottom of the dialog and fill in your contact details
Enter company/name and e-mail address
Enter your password, to be found on the rear of the CD-ROM supplied
Tap on
to confirm the changes
3 The licence information is shown at the at the top and bottom of the screen
Product: software package licenced on the Field Xpert
Device Xpert Software Licence Number
Activated on: date on which the licence was activated
DD Updates until: last date at which updates can be downloaded, see Chapter 5.1.4