Bar Code ID –
When enabled, this additional mode of operation allows you the option
of having your unit read back the actual digits of the bar code. Press the record button
and then the next or previous buttons to hear a number between 1 and 20 or
“disabled”. The number refers to the number of digits in the bar code you wish to have
spoken. It will read the bar code from the beginning, speaking the individual digits up
to the parameter you set. The typical setting is 20 digits, allowing you to hear the full
bar code. Press the record button again to save your selection.
Scanner Timeout
- This lets you select the number of seconds the unit can sit idle
before going into sleep mode. The factory setting is 45 seconds. To adjust this, first
press the record button, and then use the next and previous buttons to increase or
decrease the time allowed. When you reach the time you desire, press the record
button to save your choice.
Reading Mode -
You have two options for listening to the extended information for
products, automatic or manual. You can choose to have all the information spoken
automatically or you can choose to listen to each segment of information by manually
progressing through each section. (When in manual mode, you will hear the word
“continued” indicating that more data for that item exists.) To change the reading
mode, press the record button, and then use the next and previous buttons to choose
“automatic” or “manual”. Press the record button to save your choice.
Recording Mode -
This mode allows you to choose where new voice recordings are
saved in Memo Mode. Append will place newly recorded messages at the end of the
string of files. Insert will place the newly recorded message after the last played
message. To choose the recording mode, press the record button and then the next or
previous buttons to choose append or insert, then press the record button to save your