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up / down, prev / next: press to switch channels (Channels cannot be switched in the
recording mode).
numeric buttons: press to input channel numbers. Press the ok button to confirm.
record: press to start recording the current TV program.
time shift: press to activate the time shift function.
EPG: press to activate the EPG menu if available.
TTX: press to activate the Teletext menu if available.
blue button: press to edit scheduled recordings.
setup: press to enter the DVB-T setup menu. Program List Menu
Press the enter button when watching DVB-T TV programs, and the program list menu with
the program number and name will be displayed.
Press the up / down button to select channels, then press the ok button to confirm. Electronic Programming Guide
Press the EPG button when watching DVB-T TV programs, the Electronic Programming Guide
will be displayed.
Press the up / down button to change channels. Press the left / right button to enter the
program menu. Press the up / down button to change program. Press the green/red button to