17431 N. 25
Avenue - Phoenix, Arizona 85023
Phone: (623) 581-2875 - Toll Free: (800) 796-2875 - Fax: (623) 582-9499
[email protected] – www.emrcorp.com
In this table the user can view the current IP configuration (see Fig. 27).
DHCP Server Setup:
In most cases, a Static IP is recommended since access via the web page is achieved by the IP address. If
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is Enabled the IP address could change and make accessing
the iPM-1 difficult.
Click the “Enable” radio button to enable DHCP
Click the “Disable” radio button to disable DHCP
Click the Submit button below the table to save changes.
Static IP Address Setup:
When DHCP is disabled, Static IP settings can be configured in place of the default settings (see Fig 29).
Click the Submit below the table to save any changes.
Fig. 27
Fig. 28