km/h (kilometers per hour).
The display range is 0~99km/h, the speed unit and speed limit can be set
in the menu. When the speed is invalid, the normal color (white) figure
shows the speed is 0. When the speed is effective, the normal color
figure displays the speed; when the vehicle speed indication is greater
than or equal to the speed alarm setting value, the digital display speed
becomes red; when the vehicle speed indication is greater than or equal
to the speed alarm setting value, the text indicates that the speed is too
Mileage display
Shows the total number of miles traveled by the vehicle.
The display range of ODO is 0~999999km. When the total mileage
exceeds the maximum display value, the total odometer stops
accumulating and the display stays at the maximum display value.
The trip shows the total mileage traveled since the last trip reset.
The trip display range is 0~999.9km. When the maximum display value is
exceeded, it will be automatically cleared and accumulated and displayed
from 0.
Mileage display switching and clearing
Short press the set button to switch between the ODO and the trip
Trip clearing: trip interface, long press the set button for 3s.
Gear display
Display the gear information in the current state, such as N/D/R.
When in "R" gear position, if the vehicle is provided with reverse image