Operation guide
SOC electricity meter
The SOC electricity meter displays the current battery level.
The display range of the SOC electricity meter is 0 ~ 100% and its
display refreshes once every 10s. The digital and columnar double
display battery capacity. When SOC is between 0 and 24%, the columnar
display is red, and the voice indicates "low battery capacity". When SOC
is between 24% and 100%, the columnar display is blue.
Voltage display
Used to display the real-time voltage of the battery in V (volts).
The voltage display range is from 0 to 999V, and the display is refreshed
once for every 1s.
Current display
Used to display the real-time current of the battery in A (ampere).
The current display range is from 0 to 320A, and the display is refreshed
once for every 1s. The charging current is negative and the discharge
current is positive.
The tachometer is used to display the real-time speed of the motor in r/
min (rotation per minute).
The display range of the tachometer is 0 ~ 8000r/min.
The speedometer is used to display the current speed of the vehicle in