Cue Output
The Cue output circuits are identical with the echo output circuits in the Group
Cassette which are described in 4.3
Cue to Loudspeakers
In order that the cue signals shall be available on the control room monitor
and studio playback loudspeakers, the V.U. Meter outputs on the cue output
Amplifiers R are both connected to both the input selector switches on both the
Control Room Monitor Cassette and the Studio Playback Cassettes.
A 3-position, centre “off”, switch similar to that in the Group Cassette allows
the V.U. Meter tapping either in the loudspeaker output amplifiers or in the cue line
output amplifiers to be routed to the “Check CRM” position on the meter switch on
the left hand Main Cassette, so that signals at these outputs can be measured on
the V.U. Meters associated with No. 1 Main Cassette.
Push buttons are provided at the front of this cassette for operating the
buzzer and red light. The former is non-locking and the latter is optionally locking by
turning when depressed.
The push buttons energise 24V relays in the Main Power Unit whereby the
mains supply is fed to the buzzer and red lights. The relay connections to the Main
Power Unit are made through a 7-pin plug PL3 which plug also carries the 50V
supply for condenser microphone powering, this supply being fed to the Microphone
Cassettes by way of the main cableform.
7.10 Power Supply
The cassette employs the standard power unit. It consumes about 72mA at
+20V and 111mA at –20V.
This provides for selection and control of signals sent to studio loudspeakers,
and also includes synchronous replay input circuits, talkback circuitry, track
announce switching and the test oscillator.
8.1.1 Synchronous Replay
A 5-pin Tuchel socket is connected to two transformers of the type used at
the Track Monitor Cassette inputs (ratio 3.16:1), to give signals at –10dBV which
are available on the input selectors of this and the Control Room Monitor Cassette.