Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
VCIOM-02377-EN Rev. 0
May 2022
Brief DeviceNet Description
Section 7: Brief DeviceNet Description
Section 7: Brief DeviceNet Description
DeviceNet is a low-level network that provides connection between industrial field devices
(sensors and actuators) and higher-level devices (controllers). DeviceNet uses CAN
(Controller Area Network) for its datalink layer, and CIP (Common Industrial Protocol)
for the upper layers of the network. The major physical and media characteristics of the
DeviceNet are:
Trunk-line/drop-line topology of the network
Support for up to 64 devices in a network (i.e., 1 master and 63 EPI2 actuators)
Node removal without altering the network behavior
Support of both network-powered and self-powered devices on the
same network
Wiring error protection
Selectable data rate of 125 k baud, 250 k baud and 500 k baud
Table 3.
Adjustable power configuration to meet individual application needs
High current capability (up to 8 A at 24 V DC)
Operation with off-the-shelf power supplies
Available power taps that allow the connection of several power suppliers
Built-in overload protection
Controller Area Network (CAN) technology for Media Access Control and
Physical Signalling
Data rate
Trunk distance
Drop length
125 k baud
500 meters
6 meters
156 meters
250 k baud
250 meters
6 meters
78 meters
500 k baud
100 meters
6 meters
39 meters