Instruction Manual
A31A Cryogenic-Rotary Valve
February 2019
Removing/Installing the Seal Ring
Unless otherwise indicated, key numbers and part names are listed in figures 7 and 8.
For valves large enough to be safely placed on a flat surface without tipping, it is possible to replace the seal ring (key 7) while the
actuator is mounted to the valve and can be accomplished by cycling the valve to 90 degrees open.
1. After removing the valve from the pipeline, remove the manual or power actuator. Manually rotate the drive shaft
(key 4) counterclockwise until the disk has moved a full 180 degrees away from the closed position.
2. Lay the valve flat on a work bench in a secure position with the retaining ring (key 2) and retaining ring screws (key
19) facing up. Properly secure the valve on a suitable worktable so it can not slip, twist, or fall during maintenance.
Remove all retaining ring screws.
3. Remove the retaining ring by placing a socket head retaining ring screw from the retaining ring in each of the two
retaining ring jacking screw holes. Slowly turn the screws until the retaining ring has been lifted from the valve
body. Remove the retaining ring to expose the seal ring in the T‐slot area of the valve body.
To avoid possible leakage, be careful not to damage the gasket sealing surface, the seal ring, or the T‐slot area in the valve
body while performing the next two steps.
4. Remove and discard the retaining ring gasket (key 16). Be careful to not scratch the gasket seating surface.
5. Insert a regular screw driver or other similar tool under the top edge of the seal ring (key 7), and gently pry it out of
the T‐slot area in the valve body. Take care not to damage the seal ring or T‐slot area of the valve body. After the
seal ring has been removed, clean the T‐slot area, retaining ring, and, if required, polish the disk thoroughly with
fine steel wool or other appropriate material.