54 Chapter 5 Parameter Introductions
EV2000 Series Universal Variable Speed Drive User Manual
Thousand’s place: time unit
0: Second
1: Minute
This unit is only valid for defining the PLC operating time.
The unit of Acc/Dec time in PLC operation is determined
by F9.09.
1. The stage is ineffective if the time of this stage of PLC
operation is set to 0.
2. You can use terminals to pause and disable PLC
operation, and clear the memorized parameters. See the
introductions to group F7 parameters.
F4.01 Stage 1 setting
Range: 000~323
F4.02 Time of stage 1
Range: 0~6500s(min)
F4.03 Stage 2 setting
Range: 000~323
F4.04 Time of stage 2
Range: 0~6500s(min)
F4.05 Stage 3 setting
Range: 000~323
F4.06 Time of stage 3
Range: 0~6500s(min)
F4.07 Stage 4 setting
Range: 000~323
F4.08 Time of stage 4
Range: 0~6500s(min)
F4.09 Stage 5 setting
Range: 000~323
F4.10 Time of stage 5
Range: 0~6500s(min)
F4.11 Stage 6 setting
Range: 000~323
F4.12 Time of stage 6
Range: 0~6500s(min)
F4.13 Stage 7 setting
Range: 000~323
F4.14 Time of stage 7
Range: 0~6500s(min)
F4.01, F4.03, F4.05, F4.07, F4.09, F4.11 and F4.13 are
used to configure the operating frequency, direction and
Acc/Dec time of each PLC operating stage. These
functions are all selected by digits, as shown in Fig. 5-28.
The 7 stages of PLC can correspond to MS or close
loop running.
Frequency setting
0: Preset frequency i
1: Determined by F0.00
2: Preset close-loop reference i
3: Determined by F5.01
Acc/Dec time selection
0: Acc/Dec 1
1: Acc/Dec 2
2: Acc/Dec 3
3: Acc/Dec 4
Running direction selection
0: Forward
1: Reverse
2: Determined by operating
Fig. 5-28 Settings of PLC stage I(i=1~7)
A: thousand’s place B: Hundred’s place
C: Ten’s place D: Unit’s place
Units’ place for setting stage i:
0: Select preset frequency i, for example: F4.01 sets the
parameter of stage 1, so the reference frequency is
preset frequency 1 set by F3.23. Please refer to
F3.23~F3.29 for definitions of preset frequencies.
1: The frequency is determined by parameter F0.00
2: Preset close-loop reference i, for example: F4.03 sets
the parameter of stage 2, so the reference frequency is
close-loop frequency 2 set by F5.21. Please refer to
F5.20~F5.26 for definitions of preset close-loop
3: Determined by Parameter F5.01
PLC can realize close-loop operation in a certain stage.
Close-loop reference selectors can be preset close-loop
reference i or determined by parameter F5.01; and the
feedback is determined by F5.02. When the reference
selector is determined by parameter F5.01, the terminals
can be selected via preset close-loop reference. See
F7.00~F7.07 and F5.20~F5.26 for details.
When the PLC operating direction is determined by
operating commands, the direction of the motor can be
controlled by external terminals. For example: to run
forward by closing FWD-COM terminal, and run reverse
by closing REV-COM. If no command is given, the drive
will run in the direction of last stage.