At rest, the yellow indicator LED stays constantly
on. The card uses two push-buttons P1 and P2
(as printed on the protective cover - Fig. 1) for
programming the reader functions: here we
describe the procedures for performing some
programming operations manually:
- Save transponder key in reader memory.
- Delete transponder key from reader
- Delete all the keys from reader memory.
- Program reader internal relay times.
- Program reader device identifier.
For each of these procedures, after approxima-
tely fifteen seconds without performing any ope-
rations or pressing the push-buttons P1 and P2
the reader, emitting a short audible signal, will
return to standby with the middle yellow LED on
Save transponder key in reader memory.
Press push-buttons P1 and P2 simultaneously,
wait for three short audible and visual signals of
the middle red LED and then the green LED will
come on: with the middle green LED on, press
push-button P2 to select the position of the key
in memory (each time you press the push-button
P2 you increase by one step the memory position
where the transponder key will be saved).
For example: to save a transponder key in the
2nd position of the reader memory, press push-
button P2 twice, likewise for the other memory
Immediately after selecting the memory position,
move the transponder near in order to make the
reading and then save (wait for reader acknow-
ledgment with three audible and visual signals of
the middle red LED); after this operation the tran-
sponder key stays in memory and at the next
reading (near to the reader) it will be acknowled-
ged with subsequent activation of the relay if pro-
grammed for activation.
Delete transponder key from reader memory
Press push-buttons P1 and P2 simultaneously,
wait for three short audible and visual signals of
the middle red LED and then the green LED will
come on: with the middle green LED on, press P1
once and after an audible blink of the middle red
LED you enter key deletion mode: after the yellow
LED comes on, press push-button P2 to select
the position of the key in memory for deleting
(each time you press the push-button P2 you
increase the memory position by one step).
For example: to delete a transponder key in the
4th position of the reader memory, press push-
button P2 four times, likewise for the other
memory positions.
Immediately after selecting the deletion position,
keep the push-button P1 pressed until the middle
red LED comes on and blinks three times at the
same time as the buzzer sounding to signal the
Delete all the keys from reader memory
Press push-buttons P1 and P2 simultaneously,
wait for three short audible and visual signals of
the middle red LED and then the green LED will
come on: with the middle green LED on, press P1
once and, after waiting for an audible blink of the
middle red LED, press P1 a second time to enter
deletion mode for all the saved keys: wait for the
yellow LED to start blinking, then keep the push-
button P2 pressed until the middle red LED
comes on and blinks three times at the same time
as the buzzer sounding to signal the deletion of all
the keys saved in the reader.
Program reader internal relay times
Press push-buttons P1 and P2 simultaneously,
wait for three short audible and visual signals of
the middle red LED and then the green LED will
come on: with the middle green LED on, press P1
once and, after waiting for an audible blink of the
middle red LED, press P1 a second time and wait
for a second audible blink of the middle red LED,
press P1 a third time and then wait for a third
audible blink of the middle red LED to enter the
mode for changing the internal relay activation
times: after the middle green and yellow LEDs
come on at the same time, pressing push-button
P2 activates the internal relay in bistable mode
and then each time push-button P2 is pressed
again it increases the internal relay activation time
by one second (up to a maximum of 25 sec).