ETS Connection Manager
If the IP configuration of the KNX PS640-IP is valid, the router can be used as an
interface to KNX. To use this function, select the “Communication” tab under Extras ->
Options in the ETS (version 3.0c and higher):
Configure interfaces…
to open the ETS Connection Manager.
Create a new connection.
If the connection is to be used for
, select “KNXnet/IP” under Type:
The ETS has direct access to the particular line with this protocol. Communication via IP
takes place with a defined device here. The ETS automatically searches for all KNXnet/IP
devices and displays them. Select the required device. This device will take over the
function of the bus interface. Access to devices in other lines is possible.
If the connection is to be used for
, select “KNXnet/IP Routing” under Type:
With this protocol, the ETS does not communicate with a certain device, but directly
accesses the routing telegrams. The routing protocol is not suitable for access to an
installation via internet.