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2. Alarm volume
If the camera is activated by motion and starts recording the images, the monitor emits an alarm
tone. Here you can set the alarm volume. Tap plus to increase the volume and minus to decrease
the volume of the alarm.
3. Brightness level
This function allows you to set the brightness level for each camera. Make sure that only the
image of the camera whose brightness level you want to set is on the main screen.
4. General settings
The General Settings screen contains 6 subsections, each of which may contain other subsections.
These sub screens allow you to set functions of your system. You can turn cameras on and off, set
up a specific schedule for specific cameras to record, set the date and time, and set the sensitivity
for motion detection. The rest of this chapter provides details on how to use these screens.
4.1.1 Camera setup
When you add a new camera to your system, you need to pair the camera to the
monitor. You can also use this procedure to move a camera from one channel to