Technical Manual MiniMEP Data Loggers
page 6
Parameter Page MiniMEP (2)404S, (2)424A, 424/12V, (2)524A
(Default values are factory set)
Parameter name
Default value
Your value
serial number
individual serial number for clear idenfication of the unit
version no. of the so additional info
Add. info: "pro" = unit is unlocked for use with "CV-Scheduler"
shows type of unit, quantity and kind of probe inputs
storage interval in minutes
1..6,10,12,15,20,30,60 min. 5 min.
physical unit of all temperature values
°C(elsius), °F(ahrenh.)
(°F always in 0,2°F steps)
(probe 1) corr. 1
the last four corrections of this input with time,
date and offset value
(probe 1) corr. 4
(probe 1) on/off
if you don't want to use probe 1, switch it off here
off / on
probe 1 L-Limit
undertemperature setpoint probe 1
-160°C (-256°F)
probe 1 H-Limit
overtemperature setpoint probe 1
+850°C (+1562°F)
probe 1 delay
if this delay is run down, an alarm message will be generated 0:01 ... 4:00 h:min
1:00 h:min
name probe 1
individual name for this probe input (max. 8 characters)
see table
probe 1
(probe 2) corr. 1
the last four corrections of this input with time,
date and offset value
(probe 2) corr. 4
(probe 2) on/off
if you don't want to use probe 2, switch it off here
off / on
probe 2 L-Limit
undertemperature setpoint probe 2
-160..+850°C/-256..+1562°F -160°C (-256°F)
probe 2 H-Limit
overtemperature setpoint probe 2
-160..+850°C/-256..+1562°F +850°C (+1562°F)
probe 2 delay
if this delay is run down, an alarm message will be generated 0:01 ... 4:00 h:min
1:00 h:min
name probe 2
individual name for this probe input (max. 8 characters)
see table
probe 2
(probe 3) corr. 1
the last four corrections of this input with time,
date and offset value
(probe 3) corr. 4
(probe 3) on/off
if you don't want to use probe 3, switch it off here
off / on
probe 3 L-Limit
undertemperature setpoint probe 3
-160..+850°C/-256..+1562°F -160°C (-256°F)
probe 3 H-Limit
overtemperature setpoint probe 3
-160..+850°C/-256..+1562°F +850°C (+1562°F)
probe 3 delay
if this delay is run down, an alarm message will be generated 0:01 ... 4:00 h:min
1:00 h:min
name probe 3
individual name for this probe input (max. 8 characters)
see table
probe 3
(probe 4) corr. 1
the last four corrections of this input with time,
date and offset value
(probe 4) corr. 4
(probe 4) on/off
if you don't want to use probe 4, switch it off here
off / on
probe 4 L-Limit
undertemperature setpoint probe 4
-160..+850°C/-256..+1562°F -160°C (-256°F)
probe 4 H-Limit
overtemperature setpoint probe 4
-160..+850°C/-256..+1562°F +850°C (+1562°F)
probe 4 delay
if this delay is run down, an alarm message will be generated 0:01 ... 4:00 h:min
1:00 h:min
name probe 4
individual name for this probe input (max. 8 characters)
see table
probe 4
alarm repeat
alarm repetition time after a reset with a failure still present
off, 0:01 ... 4:00 h:min
accu alarm mess.
accu alarm message if mains voltage fails
on, off
DI alarm w. accu
alarms from digital inputs allowed while accu operation
on, off
(digital inputs)
here the digital inputs can be switched on or off
al1 al2 door
off off off
1(al1) 2(al2) 3(door)
off off off
on on on
delay door
time delay for digital input #3
0:00 ... 4:00 h:min
0:00 h:min
L/inp. 3 (door)
individual name for digital input #3
see table
delay al2
time delay for digital input #2
0:00 ... 4:00 h:min
0:00 h:min
L/inp. 2 (al2)
individual name for digital input #2
see table
delay al1
time delay for digital input #1
0:00 ... 4:00 h:min
0:00 h:min
L/inp. 1 (al1)
individual name for digital input #1
see table
actual time
can be correctedround about 90 minutes only
factory set
actual date
cannot be corrected
factory set
regulation for the summer / winter shifting
CE since '96, NO
CE since '96
actual error
the current error
"see failure codes"
last error 1
the last 6 errors
date, time, error
to last error 6
communication speed with PC-software or network
9600, N ,8 ,1
1200 - 57600
begin print
date/time of the first value that should be printed out
end print
date/time of the last value that should be printed out
start with key 'arrow up', break with 'arrow down'
begin print - end print
Sprache / language
display language
german, english,
french, netherlands
adress (in network)
adress of the unit within a network
0 -78
The framed parameters are not available in types 404S and 2404S