7.2 Video and audio switching commands.
The host must be sent with the following sequence:
followed by
where: B is the character Hex 42
XX is the output (from 01 to 04)
YY is the video and audio input (from 01 to 04)
Please note: if YY is 00 the video output will be brought to high impedance
the audio output will be brought to 0 Volt
Example: To switch video and audio input No.3 to output No.4, it is necessary to send the
following characters in line: 42 30 34 30 33 0D
It is possible to direct a video input and an audio input coming from different sources towards a
video and audio output. The sequence of the characters will be:
followed by
where: B is the character Hex 42
XX is the output (from 01 to 04)
YY is the video input (from 01 to 04)
ZZ is the audio input (from 01 to 04)
Please note: if YY is 00 the video output will be brought to high impedance
If ZZ is 00 the audio output will be brought to 0 Volt
Example: to switch the video of input 1 and the audio of input 3 to output 4, it is necessary to
send the following characters in line: 42 30 34 30 31 30 33 0D
The TZM443 matrix will respond:
(Hex 06) if the control has been executed correctly
(Hex 15) if it has found incorrect transmission errors
7.3 Video switching command.
The host must be sent with the following sequence:
followed by
where: V is the character Hex 56
XX is the output (from 01 to 04)
YY is the video input (from 01 to 04)
Please note: if YY is 00 the video output will be brought to high impedance
Example: To bring video output 2 to high impedance, it is necessary to send the following
characters in line: 56 30 32 30 30 0D
The TZM443 matrix will respond:
(Hex 06) if the control has been executed correctly
(Hex 15) if it has found incorrect transmission errors
ELPRO Video Labs s.r.l.
Via della Praia, 4/A 10090 Ferriera di Buttigliera Alta (TO) ITALY
Tel.+39 0119348778 – Fax +39 0119348779