Service Bulletin – LWGSBN0086
Return the board to it’s default settings and reinstall the software as per the
below instructions:
Power down the PURELAB flex.
Press the [Down key PF5] and [Auto Volume Dispense key PF2].
Power up the PURELAB flex.
Wait a few minutes until the Controller starts re-programming itself, do not let go
of the buttons.
You will notice that the light on the dispense button is flashing, wait for this to
stop flashing and for the light to go out before letting go of the buttons.
The PCB has now been set to “Default”.
and download newest version of firmware and
customized settings onto a USB stick.
Insert the USB stick into the PURELAB flex.
Firmware update
and press accept.
Wait a few minutes for the firmware to load.
PURELAB flex will return to process mode and the firmware update is complete.
The test program will now need to be accessed to tell the PURELAB flex
software what type of system it is. To prepare the USB stick to access the test
procedure follow the below instructions:
Insert the USB stick into your PC and allow the USB stick to be detected by your PC
before trying to access the device.
Open the USB stick as a window to enable visibility of the top level contents of the
USB stick.
Right-click your mouse cursor within the window, away from any files contained on
the USB stick.
Select „New‟ from the menu, and then select to create a new document, for example
a Word document. This will create a new file and prompt for the file name to be
The file name and file extension should be fully over-written as follows:
(the file name and extension must be in capital letters)
Safely remove the USB stick from the PC.
Insert the USB stick into the PURELAB flex and
Test Procedure