Cause and Effect Matrix - continued
When choosing Input / Output and Output modules as
output devices the output bit drop down box appears,
allowing the commissioning engineer to choose which
output bits are set and hence the Relay to be switched.
Please note output bits are referred to as output 1,2 and 3
in FireConfig but as output bits 0,1 and 2 in Apollo’s literature.
Refer to the Apollo data sheets for individual module
types, below are the most common examples:
Mains Switching Input Output unit
relay drive
not used
not used
3 channel Input Output unit
channel 1 relay
channel 2 relay
channel 3 relay
When choosing delayed output in the “effect”
drop down box it is possible to setup up to 8
delayed effects. The 8 delayed effects can be
called as many times as required by different
cause and effect entries, remembering 50
entries is the maximum number of cause and
effects allowed.
The “configure delayed outputs” button is at
the bottom of the main cause and effects
page and brings up the dialogue box shown.
Delays can be set anywhere between 1 and
600 seconds.
It is important to ensure all fire / gas
detection standards are not infringed when
adding delays. E.g. EN54-2 stipulates what
can and cannot be delayed when outputs are
connected to “fire alarm routing equipment”.
It is possible to override delays at any stage during normal operation by choosing item 6 (delayed outputs) from
the main system menu. It should also be remembered that, from within the cause and effect matrix, a dedicated
and suitably labelled call point could be assigned the same 8 outputs but without delays thereby giving an easy
method to override the delays. Additionally pressing the “EVAC” button or any call point not assigned a zone
will operate the evacuate command and all loop powered sounders, beacons, sounders circuits and Immediate
Alarm, Pre-Alarm and Delayed output relays will operate.
Apollo Input Output modules and Output modules
Output bit
FireConfig Output
Output bit
FireConfig Output
Delayed Output
ED816A Addressable Fire and gas detection Installation manual 8-9-08 Rev-a