Stage 1.
THE I-PHASE. The constant current charging , Bulk LED is on.
Normally the battery is charged at constant maximum current until it rises to the selected Absorption voltage level.
The charging voltage changes with the battery voltage.
If the initial battery voltage is less than 10.5V due to deep discharge, the bulk charge current is reduced to half of the maximum
until battery voltage rises over 10.5V.
Stage 2.
THE UO-PHASE . The constant voltage charging , Absorption LED is on .
Battery Type Selection : Gel : 14.2V / Wet : 14.6V / Calcium : 15.5V
When the battery voltage rises to the selected Absorption voltage level, the charging switches to Constant voltage charging and
battery is over 85% full. The battery is kept at this high voltage while the current reduces gradually to set value at which the
charger automatically switches to Float Stage.
Stage 3.
THE UO-PHASE. The constant voltage charging , Float LED is on.
Float Voltage Selection : 13.2 V / 13.5V / 13.8V
In this stage , the battery is full and only takes in the amount of current necessary for maintaining the capacity. The float voltage is
preset independently by user according to the type of battery such that battery can be connected permanently to the charger when
it is not in use.
E. Manual Equalization Charging for wet type battery only
Wet lead acid battery requires periodic high voltage charging (about 10% overcharge absorption voltage) to balance the voltage of
each cell, reverse the high concentration of electrolyte at the bottom and clear up large sulfate crystals on the plates. You can use
the Calcium–Calcium selection to perform the manual equalization by carefully following the battery maker’s recommended
frequency and duration.
Make sure to manually switch off charger when time is up.
Take special precautions as battery will emit explosive gas during equalization charge.
Do not have any loads connected to the batteries during equalization charging as higher voltage (15.5V) may cause damage to
F. Dual bank charging ( BC-1215/1220 )
This feature is for caravans, and vehicles with two separate batteries.
The two batteries must be of same chemical make up and type to avoid over and under charging because only one setting of
charging profile for both.
Two batteries are charged simultaneously and the battery with the lowest level gets most share of the current in the Bulk charge
stage until it is up to the same voltage level of the second battery (battery with higher initial level).
Both batteries will go to the Absorption and the Float Charge at the same time.
G. Power Supply / 2-Stage Charger Mode (see Fig.3)
At this mode the Charger On (5) LED becomes red color and only Bulk and Float LED will function. The bulk LED will be off
when battery is charged to about 80% full.
The 3-stage charger becomes a 2-stage charger or as power supply in this selected mode because 3-stage charger overcharges
battery with external load.
This selected mode is intended for use to charge battery with external load such as caravan or other battery and external load
A 2-Stage charger can be used as a combination charger/power supply. An external load can draw current from the charger while
the charger is recharging a battery. The charger does not care how much current is being diverted by an external circuit as it
switches from Bulk mode (constant current ) to Float mode based only on the battery terminal voltage.
However, a 2-Stage charger cannot completely charge the battery when the charger switches from bulk mode to float mode. After
switching to float mode, the battery will, in most cases, be about 80% recharged. The battery receives the remaining recharge
while in float mode over several days.
It is highly recommended to switch back to the 3-Stage Charger Mode periodically when the external load is disconnected.
Also the external load should not be more than 50% of the max. current of the charger, unless the battery is fully charged up. If the
bulk LED is on most of the time then the load is too large.
G1. As a stand alone power supply
It can also be used as a stand alone power supply without connection to a battery
It will provide a constant voltage according to the selected Float Voltage (13.2/13.5/13.8V) and rated DC current of the charger.
However , it is not recommended for high surge load (such as lamp) in stand alone application as the initial high surge current
will trigger the overload protection of the power supply.