The four knobs on the left side of the Oceans 12 control the main
parameters of the reverb effects. These knobs have different functions
depending on the status of the illuminated FUNCTION button (see the
section about Illuminated Buttons on page 13 for details on FUNCTION).
The top row of white labels specifies the reverb-specific functions of the
knobs, which are active when the FUNCTION button is off. The bottom
row of teal labels specifies the alternate functions of the knobs, which are
active when the FUNCTION button is blinking.
Reverb parameters
Wet/dry control that sets the balance between your dry
signal and the reverb effects produced by the Oceans 12. When this
knob is at the minimum position, the output is only your dry signal. As
the knob is turned up, the reverb output increases in volume. As the
knob is turned past 2 o’clock, the dry signal decreases in volume. When
the knob is at the maximum position, the output is reverb only.
For all Reverb Types except ECHO, SHIMMER, and
RESONANT, the PREDELAY knob sets the pre-delay time for the reverb
block in all Reverb Types except ECHO. Pre-delay allows the musician to
put a time delay between playing a note and hearing the onset of reverb
for that note. The total range of pre-delay is from 0 to 1 seconds. As
you turn the knob clockwise, the pre-delay time will increase. See the
Summary Chart on page 10 to see what Reverb Types have different
settings for this knob.
In all Reverb Types except REVERSE and DYNA, the TIME knob
controls the decay time of the Oceans 12 reverb. As this knob is turned
clockwise, the reverb time gets longer and longer, reaching infinite in all
modes except SPRING, ECHO, and DYNA when the knob is as far as it
will go. See the Summary Chart on page 10 to see what Reverb Types
have different settings for this knob.