1-3 Introduction
Table of Contents
Section 1—Introduction
Mechanical Cam Switches ............. 1-5
Programmable Limit Switches ........ 1-5
PS-6244 Description ...................... 1-6
Basic Terminology .......................... 1-7
PS-6244 Features .......................... 1-8
Section 2—Installation & Wiring
General Mounting & Wiring ............ 2-1
Mounting Dimensions ..................... 2-2
Terminals & Components
PS-6244-17 ............................... 2-3
PS-6244-25 ............................... 2-4
Controller Input Wiring .................... 2-5
Output Wiring ................................. 2-8
Keypad Wiring ................................ 2-12
DIP Switch Configurations .............. 2-13
Communications Wiring .................. 2-15
Encoder Wiring ............................... 2-16
Fuse Tester & Fuse Replacement .. 2-17
Output Transistor Replacement ...... 2-18
Section 3—Programming
Keypad Overview ........................... 3-1
Menu Tree ..................................... 3-2
Initial Programming ......................... 3-3
Functions (Alphabetically)
Analog Output ............................ 3-4
Analog Quantity ......................... 3-5
Communications ........................ 3-6
Default Program ........................ 3-7
Enable Codes ............................ 3-8
Enable Options .......................... 3-10
Increasing Direction ................... 3-10
Input ANDing ............................. 3-11
Input Status ............................... 3-11
Keyboard Quantity ..................... 3-12
Main Screen .............................. 3-12
Memory Tests ............................ 3-13
Motion ANDing .......................... 3-14
Motion Detection ....................... 3-15
Section 3—Programming Continued
Offset ......................................... 3-15
Output Status ............................ 3-16
Password ................................... 3-16
Per Channel Enable .................. 3-17
Program Copy ........................... 3-18
Program Select Mode ................ 3-18
Pulse Copy ................................ 3-19
Rate Setup ................................ 3-20
RPM Update Rate ..................... 3-21
Scale Factor .............................. 3-21
Setpoint Use .............................. 3-22
Setpoints ................................... 3-22
Shift Position ............................. 3-23
Shift Register ANDing ............... 3-24
Software Version ....................... 3-26
Speed Compensation ................ 3-27
Toggle RPM .............................. 3-28
Section 4—Troubleshooting
Controller Diagnostics .................... 4-1
Keypad Diagnostics ....................... 4-2
Encoder Troubleshooting ............... 4-3
General Troubleshooting ................ 4-4
Fuse Part Numbers ........................ 4-6
Section 5—Speed Compensation
Introduction to Speed Comp .......... 5-1
Standard Speed Comp ................... 5-2
Leading/Trailing Speed Comp ........ 5-4
Negative Speed Comp ................... 5-5
Speed Comp Guidelines ................ 5-6
Section 6—PluSNET II™ Communications
Controller Specs ............................. A-1
Module Specs ................................ A-2
Factory Defaults ............................. A-3
Index .................................................. I-1
Form to Record Setpoints