Congratulations with the purchase of your crane with Intelli Technology. We advise you to
read this manual completely so you learn the possibilities and the use of this system.
Different aspects of the game can be set (more about this further in this manual).
Through the LCD display and a few pushbuttons, a lot of information about the functioning of
the system can be displayed. Also a lot of settings can be made and a few test functions can
be activated.
The system can be characterized by 2 essential qualities: on the one hand extremely
powerful grabbers, of which the power can be set quickly and accurate, and on the other
hand the payment regulator that regulates that there is only won what is desired by the
The operator must know that he can’t take any options or functions in use, which are
against the local security or legal prescriptions.
Principal of operating
There are a few keys that can’t be lost out of sight:
Key 1:
A crane must be made attractive by the right music, light and good-looking toys, etc.
A good-looking crane attracts players and, don’t forget: “If they watch someone playing, they
want to play themselves”!
Very important is to tune the merchandise and the machine. The size of the merchandise
must be adapted to the size of the machine.
Key 2:
A player must fall under the spell of the game trough the fact that the grab can pick up the
merchandise easily, but that he played not accurate enough and wants to try again.
He must have the feeling that he controls the game and that the machine does exactly what
he wants.
Don’t let a persevering player go home with empty hands.
A lot of onlookers have probably followed the game and also want to give it a try.
Key 3:
You must try to find the right proportion between turnover and margins of profit.
Our experience teaches us that a payout-percentage from 25% to 40% gives the best
Even more important: choose the right grab for the chosen merchandise and pay
attention to size and weight.
The course of the game
A player throws in money and gets credits to play.
By means of the buttons or joystick, he can move the gantry above the playfield.
When he lets the button go exactly above the chosen object (or when the fire button of the
joystick is pushed), the grab is going down and takes the object with the set power.
The player wins when the merchandise falls right into the prize hole.
Different aspects of the game can be set (look further in this manual).