Video Preview
The video preview page allows you to view what video signal is passing through all Transmitters and Receivers in the live system.
The preview windows are a tool to help diagnose faults with the video distribution system, allowing you to see if each transmitter is
receiving a signal from the source, and whether each receiver is transmitting a signal to the display. This can all be achieved from your
computer, meaning you do not have to walk to each display in the system.
To view the video output from a source (Transmitter) simply select the required Transmitter from the Transmitter drop-down box.
To view the video output to a display from a Receiver simply select the Receiver from the Receiver drop-down box.
The image that is shown in both preview windows is a single frame that is refreshed every 2 seconds.
Matrix Switch Control
If the number of Transmitter and Receiver units are too many to display in the previous ‘MATRIX CONTROL’ window it may be easier to
use the matrix switch control option at the bottom of the ‘VIDEO PREVIEW’ page.
To switch sources to different screens:
1) Select the required source from the Source drop-down box
2) Select the display you wish to view the previously selected source (Transmitter) using the Display drop-down box
3) Click ‘Apply’ for the input changes to apply
4) The video preview function can be used to ensure the switch has taken place