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6.8 One-key Storage Image
1. In B, B / B, B / M, M mode, freeze the image.
2. Press key, the image code such as “036” is displayed on the lower right corner of the screen. After the code disappears,
the current frozen image is stored in the frame “036”.
1. One-key storage can save the current frozen image into the internal memory of the main unit; it can store up to 420 images.
2. For the stored image, its fi le name is automatically named by the image code.
3. When storing images with one-key, you should always pay attention to the remaining frames within the internal memory
of the main unit to prevent invalid storage. After 420 images have been saved, delete it manually.
6.9 Image Management
6.9.1 Save the Image
1. In B, B / B, B / M, M mode, freeze the image.
2. Press
key, a “Save” prompt appears on the lower right corner of the screen.
3. Press direction keys
to select the image code need to be saved, such as choose “003”.
4. Press
key, the current image is saved in the frame coded “003”. The saved image code is preceded with an asterisk “*”.
5. Press
key to quit saving status and press
key to return to real-time status.
Explanation: Images can be saved into the internal memory of the main unit; it can store up to 420 images.
6.9.2 Read the Image
1. In B, B / B, B / M, M mode, freeze the image.
2. Continuously press
key twice, a “Read” prompt appears on the lower right corner of the screen.
3. Press direction keys
to select the image code need to be read out, such as “003*”.
4. Press
key to read out the image stored in the frame “003*”. “Img” character shown at the lower right corner of the
5. Press
key to quit reading status and press
key to return to real-time status.
Explanation: When reading images, choose the image code with “*”.
6.9.3 Delete the Image
1. In B, B / B, B / M, M mode, freeze the image, press
key to enter saving or reading image status.
2. Press direction keys
to select the image code to be deleted, such as “002*”.
3. Press
key, the image stored in the main unit will be deleted, “*” will automatically disappear.
4. Repeat the steps 2 – 3 to delete other images.
5. Press
key to return to real-time mode.
6.9.4 Review the Image
1. In B, B / B, B / M, M mode, freeze the image, press
key to enter saving or reading image status.
2. Press
key to review the images, the stored images will be automatically played by the fi xed time interval.
3. Press direction keys
to select the previous or the next image to review.
4. Press
key to return to frozen status.
5. Press
key to return to real-time mode.
6.9.5 Transfer a Single Image to Workstation
1. In B, B / B, B / M, M mode, freeze the image, press
key to enter saving or reading image status, such as “004*”.
2. Press
key, a symbol “>>>>” prompt appears on the lower right corner of the screen. After the prompt disappear, the
image stored in frame “004*” is transferred to ultrasound workstation.
3. Press
key to quit saving or reading image status.
4. Press
key to return to real-time mode.
Note: The specifi c functions of ultrasound workstation, see Chapter Ten “Ultrasound Workstation Software Instructions”.