Power on Indicator: Red light flashes every 40 seconds.
Smoke Sensitivity: Meets or exceeds requirements of
BS EN 14604: 2005.
Humidity Range: 15% to 95% RH (non-condensing).
Audible Alarm: 85dB at 3m (minimum).
Chamber Fault: The unit checks the sensing chamber every
40 seconds, and it beeps if a fault is found (without red light
flashing at the same time) (Ei3105RF only).
Radio Frequency: 868.499 MHz (Regulated 1% duty cycle
RF Power: +5dBm.
Range: 150 meters (minimum) in free space.
Test Button: Checks smoke sensor, electronics and horn.
Test/Hush Button: Also silences nuisance alarms for 10
minutes and then resets (Ei3105RF only).
Local Hush Mode (Ei3105RF only): When test/hush button is
pressed only that unit goes into hush (reduced smoke sensitivity)
and sends out an alarm cancel signal so that all other smoke
alarms will stop sounding. The other alarms will not have
reduced sensitivity. The red light will flash every 10 seconds
(instead of the normal 40 seconds) on the unit in hush mode.
RF Alarm Signal: Turns on horn without red light flashing for
60 seconds, unless it receives an alarm cancel signal within
that period.
Duration of House Code Mode: 15 minutes.
On Transmission: Amber LED lights continuously for 3
seconds while messages are being transmitted.
Low Battery Indication: Unit beeps every 40 seconds.
Size of System: A maximum number of 12 units can
communicate together on one system (however the range is
likely to be the limiting factor in many cases)
Communication: All units will communicate together as
shipped. After a unit has been house coded it will only
communicate with other units house coded at the same time.
House coding is essential to prevent false alarms from
neighbouring systems.
Entering House Code Mode: Pressing and holding the
House Code switch until the amber light comes on and then
releasing puts the smoke alarm into house code mode.
House Code Mode: The alarm transmits and receives
specific codes. The amber light flashes once every 5 seconds
for each unit’s code it memorises (including itself).
Clearing House Codes: The house codes memorised can be
deleted (i.e. the smoke alarms can be uncoded) by pressing