The Net-Scale must be configured to operate with the scale. This is done via entries in the
file on the SD card. A operation without an INI-file is not possible!
Frequency channel for communication with the scale (1-28)
Dimension sign (double digits)
Amount of decimals;
If this entry is deleted, the amount of decimals set at the scale is used
IP address FIX (without DHCP)
Subnet Mask (without DHCP)
Port for the assignment of the service. Selectable from 1 to 65535
(Default port is 187, ensure that it does not collide with any other
Amount of communication attempts between Net-Scale and scale
ACT= 1.....16
(from firmware 2.12)
Activate communication to scales permanently
By entering the scale number in the INI file, a permanent connection is
established, independent of the configuration of the network interface.
A separate entry must be created for each scale.
This facilitates the integration of the Netscale in order to be able to use
commands such as "Register weight - 10" (see page 11) without
programming effort or to establish communication with an EHP large
display if no permanent IT connection of the network interface is
Note: When using a large display, the Netscale is limited to use with
one scale.
Table 2 - INI-file entries
The SD-card is mounted as an ftp drive as soon as the Net-Scale is power connected. If the SD card
is removed during operation, it must be mounted again. Therefore disconnect the Net-Scale from
power supply and reconnect it after a few seconds.
INI File must be named in capital letters (Dateiname: NSC.INI)!