Falcon-B410 uses dual-blade 19-inch carbon fiber propellers, each drone comes with 8 dual-blade propellers.
The propellers are distinguished by the silver and blue “EHANG” logo. The propellers with silver “EHANG”
rotate clockwise, while those with blue “EHANG” rotate anticlockwise.
. As shown below, place the propeller with a silver
logo onto a motor with a silver dot on its side, put
the gasket on the middle of the propeller, then use
the hex key to tighten the screws.
Use the hex key to remove the screws one by one,
then remove the gaskets and propellers.
. Place the propeller with a blue logo onto a motor
with a blue dot on its side, put the gasket on the
middle of the propeller, then use the hex key to
tighten the screws.
Please make sure that all the logos are facing upward.
Propeller Installation and Removal