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MSM-USM2G-BA-UK-001 Submenu Relay (function relays)
On this page the assignment of the 4 function relays to different annunciation functions, buttons or
function inputs can be defined.
Fig. 5.17: Page Relay
When activated the switching function is negated
Collective report 1, 2, 3
Activated by collective report 1,2 or 3
Relay contact for connection and triggering of an external horn
Alive-contact of the internal self-monitoring (fixed assigned to relay 4)
Function input 1, 2
Relay follows function input
Triggering from IEC interface (pulse commands with below defined wipe
duration possible)
Button 1 … 6
Relay follows button
Button mode
Function of the relay when triggered from button or IEC interface
relay is activated as long as the button is pushed
flip-flop function, relay converts with each excitation
relay is activated with each excitation and drops after the defined
wipe duration (10…10000ms)
Table 5.5: Function assignment of the relays
Multiple allocations, e.g. aggregation of collective reports, are possible. For each relay the switching
function can be negated
in this case the relay drops e.g. when a collective report is activated.
The assignment is done in a matrix
the lines are representing the triggering events (e.g.
pushing a button) and the columns are representing the relays. Implemented assignments
are displayed by a tick in the respective checkbox.