HD491 Smart Encoder
15 Copyright © 2000-2014 EEG Enterprises, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
The Alarms page allows you to set the timeout interval for each of the
GPI alarms listed in the table. The table shows the GPI Output, the
function of the alarm and gives a brief description of the alarm,
followed by an input box where you can set the time interval in
seconds. To apply any changes made to the time interval click the ‘Save
Changes’ button.
Startup Settings
The Startup Settings Editor enables entry of Smart Encoder commands
that will be run every time the encoder starts up. Use Startup Settings
whenever you want a setting to be “sticky”; settings entered through the
Web Terminal or the serial port only are not sticky and will revert to
defaults when the encoder is power-cycled.
To use the Startup Settings editor, type any Smart Encoder command
into the command box. Omit the <CTRL+A> character entirely- this
character is implied at the beginning of each line. To add additional
commands, press the ‘+’ button and more lines will appear.
When you have entered commands for all the settings that you want to
make sticky, click Update Startup Settings. The configuration changes
will take the next time the encoder starts up.
The ‘Description’ field provides a human-readable description for
future reference for many commonly used startup commands.