V. Cà Nova Zampieri 6
37057 - S. G. Lupatoto - Verona - ITALY
Tel. +39-045-547529-8776196 Fax. +39-045-8750065
EDS - srl
Electronic Detection Systems
according to EU Construction Products Regulation N° 305/2011
1 - Unique product identification code :
RK90R, RK100R, RK100B, RK200B, RK90RS, RK100RS, RK100BS, RK200BS
2 - Type, batch or serial number or any other element allowing identification of the construction product
as required pursuant to article 11(4) :
RK90R, RK100R, RK100B, RK200B, RK90RS, RK100RS, RK100BS, RK200BS
3 - Intended use or uses of the construction product, in accordance with the applicable harmonised
technical specification, as foreseen by the manufacturer :
Smoke detector – Line detector using an optical light beam (EN54-12).
For use in fire detection and alarm systems within buildings.
4 - Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as
required pursuant to article 11(5) :
EDS srl , Via Cà Nova Zampieri 6, San Giovanni Lupatoto (Verona) , 37057, Italy
5 - Where applicable, name and contract address of the authorised representative whose mandate covers
the tasks specified in article 12(2) :
Not applicable.
6 - System or systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of
the construction product as set out in Annex V :
System 1.
7 - In case of the declaration of performance concerning a construction product
covered by the harmonised standard:
VdS Schadenverhutung GmbH 0786
Performed type testing and the initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of the factory
production control with continuous surveillance assessment and approval of the factory production
control under system 1 and issued the EC certificates of conformity:
8 - In case of the declaration of performance concerning a construction product for which a European
Technical Assessment has been issued :
Not applicable.