RK90R/S - RK100R/S - RK100/200B/S
SUP - 90
Adjustable bracket for RK90R detector. It allows the installation of the detector in angular
positions. It is very useful for installations in museum halls, picture galleries, churches,
etc. This bracket allows angle shift of + /- 90° in all the directions.
ZC - 01
Optional base for RK90R detector. It allows the installation of RK90R separated from the
wall surface. The base is equipped with breakable zones on the
sides to allow the usage of 16 mm diameter cable pipes. It is also
equipped with fixing towers to mount the detector lifted from the
base, so that a good management of the cables is allowed, before
introducing them inside the detector's enclosure. This base is
available with the same color of the base of the detector (red or
EV570 - 5
Bar Graph Voltmeter.
It allows the remote measuring of the analog output signal of the optical beam smoke
detectors RK90R - RK100R - RK100/200B.
Voltage Range: 0-5 V
SC - 05
Plastic box for install of 2 EV570-5 bar graph voltmeters
Clear beige color. Dimensions : 97x55.5 mm.
Laser pointer - The alignment procedure of the detector with its reflector (for reflection
detectors RK90R and RK100R) or between TX and RX (for barrier detectors RK100B
and RK200B), consists in adjusting the optical support, of which the detectors are equipped,
in so that the bright spot of the laser (red dot) falls at the center of the reflector or its
opposite element RX.
BLP-90.................... for RK90R
BLP-100................. for RK100R-100B-200B
STS - 01
Small analog meter for analog output signal measuring. It must be used inserting it on
suitable connector on the PCB during the operation of optical alignment.
Voltage Range: 0-5 V