Display Results in Degrees: If the formula has been programmed to return an
angle measurement, the results can be displayed in degrees (deg:min:sec)
format. If this option is not selected the results will be display as decimal
degree. Note that functions will return angle values in radians and will have to
be converted to degrees in the formula by multiplying result by (180/Pi).
Delete Formula: Selecting the “Delete Formula” button will delete the current
formula. A prompt will be displayed before the formula is deleted for user
Verify Formula: The formula must be verified before the screen can be closed
and the formula saved permanently. Whenever the formula has been changed,
the “Verify” button will be highlighted red and the “Done” button will be
disabled. The operator will be required to verify the formula by selecting the
“Verify” button. If the formula is correct a message will display “Formula
Verified”. If the formula contains errors, a message will be display “Error In
Formula” followed by description of the error.
Cancel: When “Cancel” button is selected the screen will close and any
changes from the time the screen was open will be lost.
DONE: When “Done” button is selected the screen will close and the formula
will be saved.