Description: Description of formula – 14 character max.
Type: Type can be set to either “Inputs” or “Multi-Check”.
Inputs: If the formula is to be based off sensor (LVDT or Air probe) the type
should be set to “Inputs”. When the type is set to “Inputs” selections
“A”,”B”,”C”,”D” will be available to enter into the formula.
Multi-Check: If the formula is to be based off previous measurement (Check)
the type should be set to “Multi-Check”. When the type is set to “Multi-Check”
selections “C1”, “C2”, “C3”, “C4” will be available to enter into the formula. For
example if Check #1 and Check #2 measure a shaft diameter at two different
points the taper can be calculated by a Multi-Check using the formula as
follows: C1 - C2 (Check #1 minus Check #2)
Formula: The formula is a mathematical expression that is used to compute
the results and can be assigned to a Check. The formula can contain more
than one Input or Check, Operator, Function or combination there of. A
formula can be a maximum of 36 characters.
Appendix A – Formula Generator