The inputs may either be active, or passive. Passive inputs are isolated from all other
circuits, including the other inputs. There are a variety of input voltages that may be
ordered with the meter, e.g. 12V and 240V. Under voltage will cause the input to trigger
erratically or not at all, while over voltage will cause excessive heat dissipation and
possible damage to the meter.
The rated voltage is the voltage that must be applied between the two terminals of the
input. The inputs work with any polarity, and with AC or DC signals. There are a
maximum of 4 inputs.
Active inputs are also available as a factory option. They use power from the serial port,
and are thus not isolated from the serial port, or from each other. In this case simply
shorting between the input terminals will cause the input to trigger. The maximum
external impedance is 500 ohms. The inputs will continue to work when power is
cycled to the modem.
There are several types of outputs available. All outputs are isolated from all other
circuits, including other I/O.
The SØ outputs are designed to switch up to 24VDC and 24mA.
The relay outputs are rated to 2A, 240VAC with an inductive load, or 5A, 240VAC for
the high current version. These outputs should not be used as pulsing outputs for
transmitting energy pulses, as the output contacts are subject to contact bounce and are
not rated for continuous switching.
The BOSFET outputs are rated up to 240V, 100mA. They may switch either AC or DC
voltages, any polarity.
The battery is used to run the clock during loss of power. It also allows the meter LCD
to be activated while main power is not available.
The external battery is a 3.6V, 700mAh Lithium battery, or a 3.0V, 700mAh Lithium
battery. The internal battery is a 3.0V, 700mAh Lithium batteries. Only one battery can
be used at one time, the meter will use the one with the highest charge.
If an internal battery is used, a jumper will be connected to JP1 to enable the battery –
this jumper is under the meter cover, near the battery.
A low battery indicator is displayed on the LCD if the battery is not present or is
depleted – the level this occurs at can be configured. The battery usage life is longer
than 10 years on continuous backup with either of the 700mAh batteries at 25°C. In
normal operation the battery should last for more than 10 years.
6-14 EDMI Atlas Hardware Reference Manual
Содержание Atlas Mk10
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