The descriptions of every setting in this menu will be given below:
Input the name of this set of grand tour here. As you may have many sets of grand
tour, please give it a meaningful name so you can remember the main purpose of
this set.
View with random
Do not visit all positions in this grand tour by order; visit them randomly instead.
Select preset points from dropdown menu here, then click ‘Add to list’ to add this
position to this grand tour.
When you click ‘Add to list’, you’ll be prompted to set these parameters:
View Time: Define the time you wish the camera to stop at this position in
View Order: Give this position a number greater than 1 and not the same with
other positions, and grand tour will start visiting positions by order (from 1 to last
number, and then start from 1 again).
Remove: Remove this position from list.
Save: Save settings for this position.
Close: Close this window and discard all changes.
Интернет-магазин TELECAMERA.RU