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2.2.8 Second Transmitter Remote Control Connector
This is a 15 Way D socket SK05 at the rear of the E2023 Control Unit. It is used to enable externally
derived automatic control of Transmitter muting and high/low power level setting. Multi-core screened
cable, not exceeding 3 metres in length, should be used for the interconnecting lead.
The lead terminates in a 15 Way free D plug at the E2023 end which is wired as follows :-
Pin 1
Select Low Power Input (continuous low to select)
Pin 2
Mute Transmitter Input (continuous low to mute)
Pin 3
Output Status A (continuous low state – not used)
Pin 4
Output Status B (continuous low state – not used)
Pin 5
RS485 Data (+) In (not used)
Pin 6
RS485 Data (-) In (not used)
Pin 7
RS485 Data (+) Out (not used)
Pin 8
RS485 Data (-) Out (not used)
Pin 9
Not Connected
Pin 10
Pin 11
Pin 12
Pin 13
Pin 14
Not Connected
Pin 15
Not Connected
Each input (pins 1, 2) is internally ‘pulled up’ to +5V through 12k
and must be fed from a voltage free
source of less than 1k
to ground for a low state (open-circuit for a high state). These inputs are
protected against constant application of up to
12V dc directly applied. Note that they are only active
when the associated E2024 Auto-Mute-Start switch is in the Auto position and have delays in the
order of 200mS.
Thus, they should not be used as part of a safety interlock system
(see 2.2.4).
Each output (pins 3, 4) is a relay contact to ground for a low state (open-circuit for a high state). The
contacts are rated at 1mA (minimum at 5V dc) to 1A maximum switching current. The maximum
voltage (including switching surges) must be limited to
24V dc. These outputs (and pins 5-8 inc.) are
not used and thus should not be externally connected.
2.2.9 Mains Supply Output Connectors
These are two standard IEC three pin (L+N+PE) sockets CON01 and CON04 either side of the mains
supply input connectors. Each one is only connected, via the front panel SUPPLY DISCONNECTOR
switch to the mains supply input which is adjacent to it Thus equipment connected to these supplies
can be arranged in two independent groups, both groups being switched off when the Transmitter
itself is switched off using the front panel switch.
The continuous total load on output each should not exceed approximately three amps. Each output is
protected by a 6.3A (T) HBC fuse, FS11 and FS12, to allow for current surges at ‘switch-on’