Page 25
9. Mean Value Measurement
By mean value measurement function, measurements can be sam-
pled within an adjustable time frame and mean values can be calcu-
lated. Should the several measurement values or the mean value
result be stored a storage place has to be selected as described in
chapter 7. If the function “Store” is activated, based on this storage
place all measurements will be written consecutively on the next
storage places. If the function “Store” is not activated, the mean
value result can be stored on MMC with <Print> / „Memory -> M.
Once the fresh air calibration is com-
pleted, select the menu point „Mean
values“. Before starting, the parame-
ters „Measurement time“, „Scan-
ning“, „Printer“ and „Record“ should
be checked or modified if need be. The
meaning is respectively:
- Measurement time = Time frame
during which the mean values will
be sampled
- Scanning = Time interval between the
measurements considered for mean
value calculation
- Printer = Documentation of
measurements serving to the mean
value calculation
- Store = All measurements for mean
value calculation will be stored
„Measurement time“ and „Scanning“ can be adjusted as follows:
- select menu point and confirm with <Enter>
- set the desired time using the numerical keys:
0.01 = 1 sec = minimal value
59.59 = 59 min : 59 sec = maximal value
- confirm with <Enter>
Gas analysis
Mean value
Soot..Oil trace
Data processing
Start measurement
Measurement time
Mean values
Select :