Installation and User Manual. Version V03.B03_EN (23/09/2015)
Any suggestions and/or claims must be sent in writing to:
Poligono industrial A pasaxe C/15 - nº22 - parcela 139
36316 - Vincios / Gondomar - Pontevedra (España)
Tlfs.: +34 986 262 184 / +34 986 417 700
Fax: +34 986 262 186
e-mail: [email protected]
Information to be included in suggestions or claims:
Supplier’s name and address
Installer’s name, address and pone.
Buyer’s name, address and phone.
Invoice and/or delivery note.
Equipment installation and first start-up dates.
Equipment serial number and model.
Regular control, revisions and maintenance duly stamped by the distributor.
With regard to your requests, please make sure that your explanations are clear and provide any information
you may consider important to avoid misunderstandings.
Interventions during the period of guarantee include the equipment repair free of charge in accordance with
the law in force.
Both parts, just for the sake of making and accepting orders, are submitted to the jurisdiction of Courts and
Tribunals of Vigo, expressly waiving any other rights that may be entitled to, including the case of debit
payments due in other Spanish cities or foreign countries.