Normal Guide Bar Maintenance
1. Remove guide bar from chain saw.
2. Remove sawdust from guide bar groove periodically. Use putty knife or wire (
Figure 11
3. Clean oil slots after each day of use.
4. Remove burrs from sides of guide bar. Use flat file to make side edges square.
Replace guide bar when
• bar is bent or cracked
• inside groove of bar is badly worn
(Note: When replacing guide bar, see Replacement Parts and Accessories for
replacement information. See Parts List for correct bar.)
Figure 11
Keep chain sharp. Your saw will cut faster and more safely. A dull chain will cause
undue sprocket, guide bar, chain, and motor wear. If you must force chain into wood
and cutting creates only sawdust with few large chips, chain is dull and must either be
sharpened or replaced.
Items Needed to Sharpen Chain
Purchase these items from your local dealer, hardware store, or pole saw supplies
• 5/32" round file
• Depth gauge tool
• File guide
• Vice
• Medium sized flat file
Sharpening Cutters
Use file guide for 30° filing.
1. Adjust chain for proper tension.
2. Clamp guide bar in vise to hold saw steady. (Note: Do not clamp chain.)
3. Press 5/32" round file (attached to file guide) into groove between top plate and
depth gauge on chain. File guide should rest on both top plate and depth gauge (