Echometer Company
Model – H Manual
Phone: (940) 767-4334
5001 Ditto Lane
Page 28
Fax: (940) 723-7507
Wichita Falls, Texas 76302, U.S.A.
Operating Mode
The Echometer Model H offers two options for acquisition of acoustic data;
Named Well
Quick Shot.
Named Well
This option requires that an existing well file be selected before acquiring data. Upon acquisition the time-
stamped acoustic record will be added to the records for that well.
Quick Shot:
This option automatically sets up the Quick Shot Group and Well to proceed directly to firing of the shot, after
powering up the instrument and accepting the Conditions of Operation. The acoustic record will be added to the
Quick Shot
” data base with the corresponding date-time stamp.
Default Joint Length (ft) 31.7
is the average joint length that the software uses when the value for a specific
well has not been updated by the user or when acquiring data in the Quick Shot mode
Default Acoustic Velocity (ft/sec)
is the average acoustic velocity that the software uses when the
value for a specific well has not been updated by the user.
Enabled Shot
Type: defines the most commonly used pulse generation method:
Both Enabled
: Both explosion and Implosion may be selected by user at time of acquisition
Implosion Only
: Acquisition screen will display Implosion procedure checklist
Explosion Only
: Acquisition screen will display Explosion procedure checklist
Note that Implosion Mode causes the trace data to be inverted to compensate for the pressure wave direction
Initial Analysis Mode
defines the default method for calculation of the distance to the liquid level:
Automatic (collars):
software performs automatic collar count and selects the liquid level.
Anomaly Markers
: user flags the echoes from known wellbore anomalies defined in well file.
Acoustic Velocity:
a constant value of acoustic velocity is used to convert time to liquid level echo to
distance to liquid level.
Screen Brightness:
Manually adjust screen brightness using
Brighter screen drains the
battery faster.