User Guide
ECH001XN161-A4 - 07/2022
Chapter 4. Measure in ambulatory mode
4.2 Audiometry
Click on
to view the curve at any time. You will then have the choice to
the data by clicking
, to
them by leaving the window with the close button or to
the measurement with
Consultation of the measure
button allows the measurement to be resumed with the information already present in the graphs.
The graph
The ordinate scale represents the stimulation power in dB HL,
The x scale represents the frequency in Hz,
The graphical background represents the normal hearing threshold for this patient according to age and gender.
The green area indicates "better than normal" hearing,
The yellow area indicates normal hearing,
The red area represents a hearing loss compared to normal hearing thresholds.
The image on the right shows the information obtained by clicking on the graph
Criteria used to determine normal hearing thresholds (gender and age)
Legend for symbols used in the charts
The red curves with circles represent air conduction audiometry from the right ear,
The blue curves with crosses represent the air conduction measures made on the left ear,
The blue dotted lines with square brackets represent the bone conduction measures made on the left ear,
The red dotted lines with square brackets represent bone conduction measures taken in the right ear,
The white dotted lines with red and blue brackets represent the Weber test.
Stimulators used for air conduction audiometry and bone conduction audiometry (or the operator)
For more details on the options for viewing the curves, please refer to paragraph
The saved data can be viewed in the patient's
for more details on patient management.
Subnormal thresholds hearing
Normal hearing threshold as a
function of age and gender
Perform other measures on the
same curve
Normal-hearing patient
Better thresholds than average
Click on a point to redo it
Click on the graph to display the legend.